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Nov 26, 2020

Sarah got the 'Rona and Nicole is a changed person. Sarah talks about her experience with Coronavirus and gives some advice for others who could end up in a similar position. Nicole finished up two self-help workshops and is now in a budding relationship. 

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Nov 19, 2020

Dr. Jeanine Staples is an associate professor, scholar and founder of “The Supreme Love Project” where she coaches women how to heal the terrors in their soul and launch a revolution in their lives. You can get started with this free gift, "The 7 Ways Flash Masterclass." Then, register for the "Love YOU More...

Nov 12, 2020

T. Barb is the queen of all things! She's a mother, comedian, radio personality, author, entrepreneur, vegan chef and runs a hot dog cart business. In this episode, she explains how you don't have to stay where you start. She shares her life stories that got her to retired hoodrat status and why she's proud of it. 

Nov 5, 2020

Teri Reeves is an inspiration to us all. She's challenging the status quo. She's asking women, "Why is it hard to say you're beautiful?" What makes us beautiful? Where does our definition come from? Her blog,, seeks out these answers with women from all over the world.