Oct 28, 2021
Australian comedian, Ben Sorensen, has made the best of lockdown by doing voiceover work, appearing on podcasts, and keeping up with politics. #scottyfrommarketing
He also challenged himself to get into routines that would benefit his mental health. He was diagnosed with Autism in his mid-30's and is a self-proclaimed...
Oct 21, 2021
Nicole and Sarah are alone this week! It's just the two of them talking about Nicole's dating disasters and telling stories about being petty. A quick half-hour giggle sesh.
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Contact us: stories@homancechronicles.com
Oct 14, 2021
Entwine is a dating app developed by Anna, a breast cancer survivor, for people with a low sex drive, celibates, and those who avoid sex due to physical pain. Because of her treatment, sex became uncomfortable both physically and emotionally. After her divorce, she found it difficult and intimidating to re-enter the...
Oct 7, 2021
Chris doesn't hold back in his comedy or in this episode. This Cincinnati-based stand-up comedian started writing jokes and doing open mics after going through a traumatic divorce. He used comedy as a form of therapy after catching his wife (at the time) and good friend having an affair.